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  • This style is written for, and will only work with seaweedchan's 4chanX fork available here

  • You MUST have "Current" in your custom navigation.

  • Hover over the current board title on the top left to view board list.

  • For the Quick reply to work properly, you must have "Persistent QR" and "Auto Hide QR" enabled.

  • Open the Quick reply by pressing "i" close it by pressing esc.

  • Hover your mouse at the bottom left to view thread stats, bottom right to toggle thread watcher and top right to view header bar menu.

  • Most likely doesn't work on Chrome. If it doesn't, quite frankly I don't want to work on it to get it to work on Chrome.

Installation (assuming Firefox)

  • Install the Stylish extension to manage your userstyles; once installed, just click on "Write New Style", give it a name, and paste the CSS there.